Cultivating Excellence: Best Practices and Innovations for Educators from Imagine Early Education and Childcare

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The History of Presidents Day

Introduction: Presidents Day, a holiday often associated with sales and a day off from school, holds a deeper significance rooted in the history of the United States and the leadership that has shaped the nation. Imagine Early Education and…
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5 Tips to Prepare Your Student for Back to School

Most kids feel a range of emotions when they know it’s almost time to go back to school. They are likely excited to see their friends again, anxious about having new experiences, and maybe a little bit disappointed that they have to leave…

The History of Kindergarten

The History of Kindergarten: In celebration of National Kindergarten Day Most of us can’t imagine a time when children didn’t start their elementary education in kindergarten with songs, sharing, and snacks. We may have memories of clinging…