Preparing for Preschool Success: Tips and Advice for Parents from Imagine Early Education and Childcare

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Cooking with your Kids

Cooking with your kids can be an incredible experience. It’s more than just giving your little one something to do – family time in the kitchen is a wonderful opportunity for bonding, learning, and growing. Getting your kids involved…
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Encouraging Independence in Toddlers

Encouraging independence in toddlers is good for their development. You might want your baby to stay young forever, but it’s important to let them grow and let them go when they show signs that they’re ready! For example, it might feel…
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Making Chores Fun for Kids

Making chores fun for kids is good for the whole family! Your children will learn the value of hard work and responsibility and you get the benefit of having extra hands to help out around the house. It’s important to establish chores as…
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How to Know When Your Child is Ready to Read

Every child learns how to read at their own pace. There is no specific age or time when your child will be able to pick up a book and understand the words. This is precisely why it’s important to work toward reading milestones and pay close…
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Teaching Your Kids to Share

We’ve all heard the phrase “sharing is caring”, but not all children are eager to learn this skill. Particularly if you have an only child or a child who may not be extraverted, sharing care can be a difficult and frustrating concept to…
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Tips For Teaching A Child To Be Grateful

Gratitude is an important value to have. Instilling a sense of gratitude and graciousness in our children is important for their social and emotional skills, as well as their manners and mental health. However, often it can be a struggle to…